Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Soldiers reliving Anzac as one force

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Soldiers reliving Anzac as one force

CANBERRA, April 25 AAP - Commemorating Anzac Day during overseas deployments provided
serving defence personnel with a deeper sense of pride, a service in East Timor has heard.

Australian, New Zealand and East Timorese soldiers joined dignitaries from the three
nations in the capital Dili on Sunday.

East Timor is the only global area of operation where the Australian and NZ defence
forces combine under a single force, just as they did at Gallipoli 95 years ago.

"You feel like you're carrying on the tradition of Anzacs from the past," said NZ Captain
Jeong Park.

"There is certainly a lump in the throat as you hear the national anthems played and
look around at the faces of the young men and women that are serving their countries here

They were not too dissimilar to those in the photographs of 1915 when the first Anzacs
landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula, Captain Park said.

The Turkish, NZ and Australian national anthems were played at the end of the service.

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