Thursday, March 1, 2012

FED: Australia disappointed but not surprised on Iraq move

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Australia disappointed but not surprised on Iraq move

CANBERRA, Dec 17 AAP - Australia was disappointed but not surprised that Iraq had not
allowed the United Nations Special Commission on arms inspections (UNSCOM) to fulfil its
mandate, a spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer said today.

Ninety-two inspectors and support staff of UNSCOM have been evacuated to Bahrain following
a UN report accusing Iraq of breaking its promise to cooperate fully with their work.

The decision to withdraw the UNSCOM officers follows warnings by the United States and
Britain that it could strike Iraq without warning if it failed to cooperate with the UN team
which has sought to investigate Iraqs weapons of mass destruction.

"Its very disappointing but not surprising that UNSCOM has reported that Iraq has not
allowed it to carry out its mandate," Mr Downers spokesman said.

"Australia believes it is unacceptable for Iraq to continue to defy the will of the
international community because it was only last month that Iraq announced that it would
fully cooperate with UNSCOM."

The spokesman said Australia would continue to monitor developments on the issue.

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