Friday, March 2, 2012

Fed: Concerns over Austudy crackdown

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Concerns over Austudy crackdown

Centrelink has begun a crackdown on Austudy payments to reduce wrong payments and rorting,
sparking concerns from students.

The review process, known as profiling, is expected to save $47.2 million over four
years when added to a youth allowance review that started last July.

A Centrelink spokeswoman's confirmed the process has started, including 5,000 new Austudy
recipient reviews.

Budget papers say the review will provide greater assurance to the community that allowances
are only going to students and jobseekers who are eligible.

National Union of Students president JODIE JANSEN says while Centrelink needs to ensure
taxpayers' money is spent appropriately, students shouldn't be penalised for the agency's

Ms JANSEN says $50 million is a large amount of money for the government to expect to reap.


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